Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Outdoor stuff

2nd pepper I started in the Aerogarden

1st pepper I started in the Aerogarden

Bf's onion patch - doing great

Today I got to turn the tomato plant upside down!

It is so cool!

Daylily starting to bloom.  I planted 2 daylilies in the back.  I think I'll add 1 more.

Morning glories.  Doing great.  Now climb the wall already!

More morning glories in a different bed.  Next to these sprouts I planted more morning glory seeds along the wall.  1 seed has popped its head out.  Hopefully the others grow, but it seems like starting the glories in the Aerogarden is the way to go.  I have read that morning glories do well in poor soil, though.

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