Wednesday, May 16, 2012


The previous owner had some pineapple plants growing in the backyard in a very shady area.  Last season I relocated them to a sunny spot.  They weathered the frost and their outer foliage died.

Recently I raked all the leaves out of the pineapple patch and trimmed all of the dead foliage.  Hopefully they will take off.  To encourage them, I added some fertilizer too.  

Also left by the previous owner is this aloe plant.  This was found as a small plant with only 3 leaves in an abandoned flowerpot in the front bed.  All the other plants in the pot had since died off.  I moved it out back and it has thrived near the pineapples.  I figured it kind of looks like a pineapple plant so it would fit right in.  It also made a baby (to the right).

I am happy to say that the blog has now had over 500 hits!  Thanks all for tuning in!

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