Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Cinco de Mayo

Happy Cinco de Mayo!  Here are some Mexican-themed plants I have grown.

Cilantro!  Well, it couldn't take the Florida heat, so it
shriveled.. will have to re-attempt that one.

Blue Agave!  Given to me by my dad, this cactus is used to
make tequila and also agave nectar.

Cactus from my aunt.  I call it the Floppy Cactus because
it has never stood upright.  But it seems to be pretty happy
and has grown new segments this season.

Tomatoes!  Because you know you gotta have salsa!

I am going to attempt jalapenos next.  I saved some seeds from a supermarket jalapeno pepper.  I tried them in the Aerogarden, but they didn't sprout because the light is too high.  I'll have to try growing them outside instead.

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