Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Spring planting! (round 1)

This year I am trying the upside-down tomato planter.  It came with a small white seed packet labeled "tomato" (no other details?).  I used my own name-brand seeds instead and made sure they are cherry tomatoes, as I have found that larger tomatoes don't grow too well down here in FL.

I started my little tomato project with about 10 seeds in a peat pellet, under the Aerogarden light, of course.  May the strongest seed win!  Then I'll move it to the upside-down planter when it germinates.

Bf was kind enough this morning to make my life so much easier by aiming the sprinklers at my new shrubs.  No more waking up early and filling the watering can three times to make the rounds in the yard.  He also gave me a little tutorial on how to turn the sprinklers on in the zone I need watered. 

This also encourages me to plant more shrubs since it's less running around each day to tend to them!