Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New projects

Since the peppers are doing great, they have made it to their new home outside.  Soon I will pot them up, but for now they are in the biodegradable peat pots, which can be inserted directly into another pot and surrounded by soil.

The new project is morning glories.  My friend Robin gave me a packet of morning glories last year as a little housewarming gift.  These will be started up in the Aerogarden and planted in the front bed.  I am going to try to get it to climb up the pillar next to the front walkway.

Morning glories to be.  No action from the avocados yet..

Upside-down tomato project is doing great!  The starter pellet I have has 7 sprouts, and I even forgot to start it with the little plastic dome.

Tomato sprouts 

Tomato sprouts

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