Monday, November 19, 2012

Upside-down tomato

The spring upside-down tomato had very high yields!!  Remember, I didn't use the seed packet that came with it.  I used Burpee cherry tomato seeds.

This upside-down tomato, which I planted in September, has been growing slowly and I thought I may have to retire it soon.

But what's this??  Flowers?!

They ARE flowers!  This might make some tomatoes
after all. 
I took it inside for a day or so to protect it from temps in the low 40's.  Right after that was when I saw the flowers.  I wonder if the inside environment/darkness in the garge triggered it to flower?  Hmm..

The one in the raised bed is doing ok - no flowers yet
though.  It might not produce for this fall season.

In other news, the agave azul is doing nicely.
(Like the new privacy fence?)

And two of the azaleas from last year are still going, but
their growth rate is very slow.

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