Friday, November 9, 2012

Cherry tomato

Harvested the first cherry tomato! These were planted in Sept.  It was about the size of a marble and was as red as it could be!

The first red tomato
I waited until the next morning and cut it in half and shared it with my boyfriend.

We both agreed that this batch is very juicy and flavorful - yay!  The last batch of cherry tomatoes was a little lacking in flavor, but still good. 

Honestly I think the flavor depends on how low the water level gets in the Aerogarden.  With this batch, I have been topping off the water daily.  With the last batch, I waited for the water level low indicator light, but by then the water level was verrry low.  Too low, in my opinion.  I noticed that the salad greens in particular are heavily affected in flavor when this happens.  They get bitter if the water level gets low.  I had to ditch them and replant the garden because of the bitter flavor, but at the time I didn't really realize what was causing that issue.  However, I did get 6-8 good harvests out of those salad greens before the bitterness issue.

Tomatoes don't become bitter with a lower water level - just a bit lacking in flavor, that's all.  I am glad I have made it a daily routine to top off water and very lightly prune.  It has made a positive difference in my gardens!  :)

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