Thursday, September 25, 2014


I have vincas in the Aerogarden now. They have been in there for a long time, and this is just ONE plant. They are so cheerful.

Potted plants producing

I'm very happy with the health and production of my potted plants.

Bell pepper



And the watermelon, although they don't look like much, they are vining and blooming so maybe I will get a watermelon this year. I hope so!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Sprouts a'sproutin

Onion, turnip, swiss chard, radish, squash

Watermelon (struggling)


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hello World

5 rows of seeds were planted in this bed just 4 days ago and already 2 whole rows have sprouted. And a few sprouts in the smaller bed are starting to come up too! (Too small yet to see in a pic. )

We planted red onions, turnips, radishes, swiss chard, squash, and cabbage. I've grown turnips before (just a few) and they did well. I have also grown squash before, which were all affected with a fungus and died of rot (never got fruit on the plants due to leaf rot). The other vegetables that we planted, I have never grown before. Boyfriend claims cabbage is super easy, radishes are just as easy as turnips I am sure, and I have a coworker growing swiss chard right now. He said that it's a piece of cake to grow.

So I'm hoping for great success. I usually don't thin my plants, but I think I am going to this time, to see if I will have a better result.