Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Getting ready to harvest

The morning glories in the "Topsy Turvy" bloomed today! That is the great thing about morning glories. They look really cool as vines, but one day you wake up and there they are - colorful and beautiful. Thanks, Dad, for the planter!

Their leaves kind of fold up when the sun gets too hot, and they open back up at night. Very adaptable, eh?

This is called a Plumeria. I got it at this weekend's arts and foliage festival. All you do is stick it in sand with no water and it roots with just light and heat. These come from Hawaii. They grow only as big as the pots they are in. If planted in the ground, they grow up to look more like a tree. Otherwise I guess you would call them flowering shrubs. Their flowers are used to make leis in Hawaii. This one I selected will have yellow and cream colored flowers. I think the variety is called Camela or Camelia or something..? (Once it starts growing, you can prune again and root the new cutting).

Peas! - my first time growing these


Bougainvillea! (First year blooming)

Garden beans! - My first time growing these

Also we have some itty bitty cucumbers coming out too. Well, that's it for now! C-ya!

posted from Bloggeroid

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