Friday, July 20, 2012

Salad greens

The salad greens are going crazy.  We planted these around June 18th in the Aerogarden.  We have already had 8 bowls of salad (4 harvests)!!  It is wonderful to just trim some salad whenever we feel like it!

Also the upside-down tomato is making a TON of little green cherry tomatoes.  Once they have turned red, we will have plenty for our salads.

The cool thing about salad greens is that you can instantly eat them.  No waiting for flowers, no waiting for fruit to turn color.  Just eat it all the time!

I thought it may turn brown on the edges where I trim it - nope!  It stays green and just grows and grows.

Also I have chives in there.  They are quite happy too.  :)

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