Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Dollar Tree Finds

I went into Dollar Tree seeking out a few things for gardening. First, I wanted some little buckets (these were considered Easter buckets but how appropriate for gardening).

Aren't they cute?

1 for weed pulling or veggie harvesting,

And 1 for the stuff I usually carry around (and misplace in the yard)

And as you can see I scored some new gloves. I had been wearing mismatched and worn out gloves for awhile (if I even wear gloves) - they all had holes in them and stuff, and a fingertip or two would always poke out. I got three pairs this time, all the same color, at $1 per pair (all the same color so if I lose one or I rip one, I can just swap it out).

And THEN these little stepping stones, to dress up the flower garden(s).

Can't wait to get plantin!

I did transplant the vinca today from the Aerogarden to the little driveway bed. She was huge and it was hard getting all those roots out of the Aerogarden. Then I went to work. I checked on her when I came home and she seems happy. :)

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Here is likely the last pic of the vincas in the Aerogarden before they get transplanted outside.

posted from Bloggeroid