Thursday, April 25, 2013

Ahh spring!

Temple orange tree

Roma tomatoes

Tomato, eggplant, corn, okra, bell peppers, green onion


Cucumbers, squash. Carrot seeds sown in the middle

Cherry and roma tomato, eggplant, jalapeno, borage, basil, chives, dill, parsley, bell pepper, green onion

Upside-down cherry tomato

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Palm tree

Took these pics at work. Thought they were cool.

Last week:

This week:

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Here we have the AeroGardens.

This will be my first time trying to grow flowers in the AeroGarden (other than the pansies that I started for the outdoor garden). I can't believe how fast these took off! These are called cascading petunias. They are supposed to grow tall, then cascade over the sides of the AeroGarden.

In this AeroGarden I have red romaine lettuce and one pod of cilantro.

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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Garden News, 2nd edition

Adding on to my previous post...

Here is one of the raised beds. In the back left is corn sprouts. In the back middle and right is a row of okra. Then we have eggplant, bell pepper and roma tomato in the front.

Second raised bed with tomato, jalapeno, eggplant, borage, bell peppers, dill, parsley, and onions. Supposedly, growing borage next to tomato plants makes the tomatoes taste better. Borage is an herb. If you scroll back a post or two you will see the previous picture of this raised bed. You will see that this raised bed has grown quite a bit!

This is the third raised bed. In the front we have pickling cucumbers. In the back we have summer squash.

Next is the front flower bed. It doesn't look like much now, but I have planted A large amount of flower seeds in it. Also I planted some pansy plants, which I started in the AeroGarden. They were somewhat difficult to get started. You can see the pansy plant next to the angel.


I also planted a few bulbs, and the gladiolus that I found coming up from last year's bulbs I relocated to the very front with my lily plants.

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Friday, April 12, 2013

Garden News

So much to report and so little time!

Fertilized the citrus trees...

Planted morning glories around the base of trees...

Planted azaleas all along the back. Boyfriend bought these for me for Valentines Day because they last a lot longer than cut flowers! We just planted them two weeks ago because of cold snaps in February.

The bouganvillea is coming back...

And the crepe myrtle tree is coming back. We got this little tree at the arts and foliage festival last year.

I potted the cactus that my aunt Kathy gave me 2 years ago as a housewarming present. This whole time it was in the ground, which is very sandy soil down here in FL. It was also in part shade. Now it is in full sun in rich soil. It wasn't very happy before, but as you can see, it is getting happier by the minute because it just made new growth. See the new light green growth?