Friday, March 22, 2013


Sorry I haven't been posting often. Here are some updates!

Sunflowers have been transplanted from the Aerogarden garden starter system to the yard. I can't start them outside because the squirrels dig up the seeds and eat them! The sunflowers really cheer things up!

3 raised beds are going right now. One is plants transplanted from the aerogarden garden starter system. The other two are plants directly sown.

An a-frame trellis has been added to the original bed, which was relocated to a different area of the yard. In the a-frame bed are pickling cucumbers and summer squash.

The front flower bed has been seeded with nasturnium and a few bulbs. I moved some of the liriope to the front bed too, to fill it in a little while the seeds germinate.

I also planted morning glory seeds around the bases of trees out back in hopes that they climb!

Instead of cut flowers for Valentine's day, boyfriend has offered to buy me flowering shrubs of my choice. That will be the next project.

Also, I started the upside-down tomato again for the new season!

In the Aerogarden is cascading petunias. They are supposed to grow tall, then spill blooms over the sides of the Aerogarden.

The other Aerogarden is still garden-starting, including more sunflowers!

Happy Spring!